Thursday 29 November 2012

Meta-Tags for Beginners/SEO

                                    what is META-TAGS ?

Building a website is not a big deal. its like making a product but next question is that
how to make money or  profit from that website or product and now the role of SEO
is starting and Meta-Tags are play a important part in SEO.

 1. WHY use Meta-Tags ?
Meta-tags are not important but essential part for a website.Google is no give a more
importance to Meta-Tags but Yahoo and Bing give it more importance.Meta-tags are
basically provide the background information of a website to the Googlebot .

  2.  Where use Meta-Tags?
     Meta-Tags are use in Html Code
<head>......................................... .inside <head> we use meta-tags
<meta name ="description" content="text">

 3.  Types of Meta-tags?

There are many meta-tags but 4 meta-tags are more important but if you want to use all than its good.
(a)  TITLE-TAG..........................................B
<title> What is meta-tag </title>

(b)  DESCRIPTION-TAG.........................C
<meta name="description" content="Meta-tags are vey helpful foe seo">

(c)  KEYWORD........................................A
<meta name="description" content="meta tags for seo,importance of meta tags,meta tags for beginners">

It a most important section of meta-tags because it tell the CRAWLER which page in the website to index
and follow or nofollow the links in the can alse make a ROBOT.txt file for it .

<meta name ="robots" content=   "index  ,  follow">
its give the information to crawler to index the page and follow the links
<meta name ="robots" content=   "index  ,  nofollow">
its give the information to crawler to index the page and not follow the links
<meta name ="robots" content=   "noindex  ,  follow">
its give the information to crawler to not index the page and follow the links
<meta name ="robots" content=   "noindex  , nofollow">
its give the information to crawler to not index the page and not follow the links

  4.   HOW Google ,Yahoo,Bing Search Engine show the result?


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